неділя, 23 квітня 2017 р.

                                               Travelling by car

Картинки по запросу car travelThere are many different means of transport. Sometimes we can't imagine how people could live without cars, buses, trains and planes many years ago. Some people prefer travelling by car, others think that it's dangerous and polluts the environment. Whatever your views, there's no doubt that travelling by car has both many advantages, and a lot of disadvantages.

To begin withthe speed, we can move quickly from one place to another. We don't have to waste our time and wait for a bus. If we want to go to the hospital we do not need to go to the bus station and wait. It is very important, because we can travel wherever and whenever we want. 

Secondly, cars are always available and we can go by car everywhere. Sometimes in small villages bus travels very rarely. People have to wait for a long time to go to the town. Availability is the second advantage of travelling by car.

Moreover, we can also have touring holiday when and where we want. If we want to go for a trip, we don't have to book bus tickets- it's too complicated. If we have a car, we need only a map or GPS system and we can simply get into a car and go! 

On the other hand, travelling by car is not very comfortable for a driver. He cannot relax, he has to be careful all the time. Vehicles are forced to stay in traffic jams, it is also very uncomfortable. Passangers can sleep or doing what thay want. When driver is very tired, he can be as dangerous on the road as drunk driver. 
Картинки по запросу car travel

Travelling by car is dangerous, too. There are many crashes on the roads and we should be very careful and sensible. There are many people, who want to drive after alcohol, they cause a lot of accidents. In my opinion they are irresponsible and immature and people who drink and drive should lose their driving licence for life.

Using a car is also very expensive. If you have a car you have to pay much money for petrol and services. Petrol prices are very high. In my opinion people should use gas more than petrol because gas is better for the envierment. What is more, the gas is cheaper.

To sum up, if we have money and remember about politness, patience and responsable driving even when we have problems with finding a parking space and we get nervous- we can enjoy driving for many years, for sure.

                   Top 9 Reasons to Travel by Train

Картинки по запросу travelling by train
1. Money Savings

Trains are an increasingly cost-effective alternative to planes, particularly if you're going a relatively short distance or if you're traveling in the busy Northeast Corridor, where train service is fast and frequent.
While some rates are quite competitive, you'll sometimes see dramatic fare differences.The train ride will be longer than the corresponding flight, but for travelers looking to cut costs, the train often wins out -- and you'll get to see some scenery along the way.
Unlike airlines, Amtrak and other rail operators often give discounts to children, seniors, students, AAA members, military personnel and other key demographics. See our list of train travel deals for more opportunities to save.
2. Stable Fares

Anyone who's agonized over when to purchase airfare knows how arcane and frustrating the airlines' pricing structures can be. (We're still waiting for a logical explanation of why a one-way ticket often costs so much more than a round trip. Anyone? Anyone?) Train fares tend to be the same day after day on any particular route, whether it's Monday or Saturday, April or August, two months in advance or two days before departure. While some increases may occur (particularly at peak times or over the holidays) and occasional sales may be available, you can usually count on the stability of train fares, even at the last minute.
3. Flexibility

Похожее изображениеWhile many long-haul trains require reservations, many short trips don't, so you can simply show up at the station the day of your trip and grab a ticket for the next train -- without paying an exorbitant last-minute fare.

4. ...Less Hassle

Imagine taking a trip and not having to arrive two hours early, wait in a long security line, take off your shoes for inspection, or ration out your liquids and gels. Welcome to the world of train travel. In most cases you can arrive 30 minutes ahead of time and walk straight to your platform.
5. Door-to-Door Convenience

Unlike airports, most major train sta
tions are located right downtown in the heart of the cities they serve. Instead of taking an expensive airport cab ride from miles outside of town, you can step off your train and be just moments from your hotel.
6. Eco-Friendliness

Trains are more energy-efficient per passenger mile than planes or cars, making them one of the most eco-friendly transportation options around (short of walking or riding your bike!). Carbon emmisions from trains are less damaging to the environment than those of airplanes because train emissions are not released directly into the upper atmosphere. As a bonus, the relative energy-efficiency of trains means that the industry is less vulnerable to increases in fuel prices -- making train fares more stable in an unstable economy.
classic dining car
7. Old-Fashioned Charm

There's something refreshingly traditional about taking a train, particularly if you're traveling over a long, multi-night route. The days of silverware and fine china in coach class may be long gone in the airline industry, but on overnight trains you'll still find dining cars with full-service meals and uniformed wait staff. During the day, many train travelers choose to read books, play cards or simply enjoy the scenery rushing by.
8. Comfort and Relaxation

Rather than cramming yourself into an ever-shrinking airplane seat or squinting at road signs trying to figure out where to make your next turn, why not relax on a train? It's one of the least stressful forms of transportation out there: someone else does the driving, you'll have more legroom than you would on an airplane and you'll be able to move around at will -- not just when the captain turns the seatbelt sign off.
9. Beyond Just Transportation

Unlike airplanes, which whisk you from point A to point B with barely a glimpse of what's in between, a train ride can be a destination in and of itself. Consider the California Zephyr, a dramatic route that wends its way through the Rocky and Sierra Nevada Mountains from Chicago to San Francisco. A ride on this popular Amtrak service offers spectacular scenery. During fall foliage season, try a ride on the Ethan Allen Express from New York to Vermont and enjoy the autumn colors.
The Pros Of Traveling By Bicycle

Time: You can determine your own timetable. There’s no need to picnic on the floor of a bus station waiting for a ride to the next destination or hauling yourself out of bed to catch the 6 a.m. train. You can get up when you want, leave when you are ready and stop to rest when you are tired.
Exercise: Cycling is a great form of exercise and access to plenty of fresh air. It allows you to discover the lay of the land kilometre by kilometre. Sitting sedentary for epic 18 hour bus journeys will not get your heart pumping. Not to mention, you might miss the awesome view while taking a nap!

Food: Regular exercise equals regular food intake! If you love eating local culinary delights, you will feel no guilt when tucking into that second helping of ice cream!
Budget: Travelling with all your own gear can be very cost effective. In many parts of the world, your daily budget can be next to nothing. The Travelling Two website has been a great overall resource for us when preparing for our trip and budget. This post has a wide range of bicycle touring budgets based on continent and the level of comfort. We have budgeted £10 per person per day as a general rule of thumb. So far we have spent less than half.
Out Of Hours: Do you ever feel frustrated by the hoards of other minibuses that arrive when your day tour gets to its destination? On a bicycle you can get there before or after. Perhaps you can even wild camp for the night.
Off The Beaten Track: It’s fun bumping into other travellers you meet on your journey. It’s even a pleasant surprise when you randomly bump into them again hundreds or thousands of miles down the road. So, is it a strange coincidence, or is it because you have the same Lonely Planet edition? Don’t get me wrong, I love Lonely Planet. It has been a key resource for me for many trips in the past and probably the future but I must say I am enjoying the little random villages and places not listed in the top 10 places to visit.
Let Your Bike Do The Work: As well as being an eco-friendly way of travel, wheeling your belongings from one place to another is far more energy efficient than lugging them on your back. Also If you enjoy getting techy; install a hub dynamo and power your gadgets while you ride!

The Cons Of Travelling By Bicycle

Extensive Planning Required: It’s not as easy as throwing some clothes and a toothbrush into a backpack. For a long term bicycle tour, covering the basis of what you need for you as well as your wheels can be an arduous task. We had lists and databases coming out of our ears! Of course there are different strokes for different folks, you could keep it simple.
You Generally Need To Take More Stuff: We tried to keep our gear to ‘fairly minimal’ but when bicycle touring you generally need more stuff when you are out in the wild (unless of course you are Mike Hall, current record holder for round-the-world on a bicycle). It is imperative that you bring Camping gear, kitchenware and bike maintenance in addition to your clothes and toiletries etc. The initial outlay of cost before you go can also be significant. We spent around £2000 each for all our gear and our bikes.

It’s Not Easy: I’m not a mountain goat like Lars. I find the hills tough at times and the traffic can be nerve racking. Bicycle touring is not for the faint hearted. You may miss the sense of agility when navigating a fully loaded bicycle through crowded streets. Patience is also key. When backpacking you can hop on a bus and enjoy the ride until you hit your destination. Perhaps you’ll arrive in just a number of hours. The same route by bicycle could take you a week! For example, right now I am dying to swim in the ocean, but I still have at least two weeks of cycling ahead of me!
Bicycle Maintenance: Like all machines, bicycles can break down and wear out. If you hear a weird noise coming from the gears you’ll need to know how to fix it. If the tyres are rubbing on the brake pads you need to know how to adjust them, not to mention the many punctures one tends to incur! In summary, a fair understanding of bikes before you head off into the sunset is necessary.
Liability: You are ferrying a lot of expensive gear around so you need to keep your wits about you. There are plenty of opportunists in the world happy to take your nice camera, laptop or bike off your hands if you make it easy for them.

Final Verdict

The exhaustion after a long in the saddle appeals to us but travelling by bicycle is not for everyone. Nothing compares to the satisfaction of knowing that your travel experiences are powered by your own body. Even without the claustrophobia, we would still be riding our bikes!

                                               Travelling by car There are many different means of transport. Sometimes we can't imagi...